Hello DR faithful,
I come to you from somewhere over the rainbow, on the dark side of the moon. A land far far away where the impossible is reality and the everyday is the unthinkable. Now I know what you must be thinking:
"Bul Bubak it has been so very long since your last post. I'm sure it is due to your exhaustion from your travels to this far away land of merriment and wonder?"
Oh how wrong you are! My lack of posting is due 100% totally and undeniably to me just not posting. This crazy distant land I speak of non other than the good old USofA. I will be the first to admit that I didn't think I was very into this presidential campaign. Yes, I voted for Barack, and yes I hate McNasty, but I was certainly not gung-ho. I did not volunteer(my great wife did), but when they "Officially Projected" Obama the President, I was pretty excited/shocked/amazed and just plain happy. The more I think about it, the more I think this election has made me a little less skeptical and pessimistic. For anyone that knows me that is actually saying something.
Oh right... there is this little burg inside the country of wonder I speak of above. This is a place where even before we had a black president we had something dare I say almost as unexpected in my lifetime? A Philadelphia CHAMPIONSHIP! Holy Fucking Shit! What a week: Wednesday we have this. Friday morning this. Friday night this. And to cap it all off, last night and President Barack!
I know this was slightly more serious than usual, but today deserves it. Now on with the presidential themed hilarity:
From our fearless leader EldiabloGrande comes quite possibly the best song ever. I will give you a little taste right here:
From my and yours who writes alittlehoney, comes these two gems: WAP! & BAM!
Talk about CHANGE, Bul Bubak is back, with hyperlinks AND video. Next thing you know he will join a gym.
ReplyDeleteBubak '012!!!
ReplyDeleteWelcome bak, bul bubak.
ReplyDelete"This is an awesome day for you and your family. Congratulations to you and you good bride."
-Bush to Obama
lance amsterdam
from his satellite phone, located in Torontosakalondonlosangelesseattlebeijingmelbourne that you should be a DJ..
"make it so" as captain picard would say..
he wishes to say
marriages are happy and congratulations sir..
a ruthlessly bad year at least has greatest week ever
followed by him randomly finding this blog
and being to lazy to read more than the first section
lance also says
blaaarrgggghhhhs will be the next blogs
adios from the satellite station
promotion is happy..
peace mr. bul bak
^ I like this guy's style.
ReplyDelete"Computer! Tea, Earl Grey, hot!
ReplyDeletecorrection of grammer..
ReplyDeleteI meant "too lazy.."
I have read 2 more
funny stuff...
note: all G.I. Joes change color in the sun if they are left outside for days
lanceamsterdam does not wear dangling earings...
that is all