Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Chuck Wagon Never Disappoints


  1. I just died laughing in my cube. I'm so professional. I've been discussing Chuck with EDG during these playoffs, and he is of the mindset that Charles HAS been disappointing all over the place as of late, and that he has nothing insightful to say anymore. I guess my love for Charles is blinding me because especially after this clip, I just can't see it.

  2. AMAZING Phightins win tonight! What a gem Ibanez has turned out to be thus far.

    Just for kicks, here are the Phils we most resemble:

    Flintskins: Joe Blanton
    Big Firm: JC Romero
    Chief Naka: Chan Ho Park/ Shane Victorino
    DVDUBS: Matt Stairs
    EDG: Chris Coste
    Stand Watie: Jay Happ/ Peter Happy
    Tha Bul Bubak: Mick Billmeyer
