Friday, June 26, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Casual Weekend Racism
To assure that the DR is not eliminated from contention for an NAACP Image Award, I must point out that the below video was produced by PBS, and does not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or comic sensibilities of the Dalembert Report, its editors and especially Samuel Dalembert himself. That being said, I really wish I had been paying more attention during the 80's, I really could have gotten away with a lot more.
Hope you enjoyed, and always remember "it's not like you're REALLY black..."
Hope you enjoyed, and always remember "it's not like you're REALLY black..."
Friday, June 19, 2009
What the Bumbo Claat?

I fancy myself as pretty hip. Not a hipster, but hip no less. You know, up to date on all the new fads spreading amongst our youth, confusing our elderly, and directly increasing the amount of illegitimate children in this country. Back when I was rocking Structure polos, the running man could not be topped. Get in a circle at your weekly Bar Mitzvah, encourage your friends to run in place and waive their hands to Tribe Called Quest, and ultimately watch Shiz introduce the Roger Rabbit to the masses. Fast forward to what really may be the lowest moment in American pop culture, when two social security-receiving Mexicans took over the world with their tantalizing version of movement, also known as the Macarena. As a proud straight man, I proudly confirm that I never have done that shit... not on the dance floor, at a sporting event, or in front of my bathroom mirror.
In more recent times, kids have taken favor to the Soldier Boy, which I, unfortunately, don't find particularly compelling. But just when I was ready to hang up my Usher shoes, my man Ben puts me on to an article, and in turn, some new flavor that I simply must welcome with open arms.
Some of you may be aware that Jamaicans aren't just smoking weed, harvesting guavas, and racing bobsleds. And by some of you, I mean Giul and Liz. But beyond those truly accurate stereotypes, Jamaicans are confronting something far more debilitating than suffering through Taye Diggs' fake accent and fishnet tanktop. Indeed, many have broken penises, bruised tailbones, and the daily shame that accompanies this madness. I present to you... DAGGERING:
Daggering - More related videos from Asterpix
First, we can all acknowledge that this rhythmic motion is aptly named. I urge you all to close your eyes, throw on your favorite Beenie Man jam, light some incense, and imagine Giul getting dragged onto the dance floor by Hussain Bolt for some good ol' fashion daggering. Of course that would require a higher degree of flexibility and stamina then Giul likely has to offer, but the image is enchanting no less. Who comes up with this shit? I find my hips gyrating just watching that tiring piece of video.
Point being, daggering is the way forward, and at the next Chief Naka dance party, rest assured, the Big Firm is bringing the Jamaican heat to South Philly.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Got 5 Minutes?
Of course you do. Lord knows DVDubs has it, that dude has so much spare time he gives it away to homeless beggars on the street. But I digress. I have little to offer in the way of sports commentary today, other than a pair of dismissive wanking motions directed towards the Lakers and the Penguins, but I did bring some youtube heat, courtesy of a bored, lonely, probably morbidly obese man who has both the time and computer wizardry to put something like this together:
PCP looks AWESOME. Not as awesome as the second half of the video of course.....
Oh, wait, there is a mild sports related matter: vote early and vote often for your favorite Phils for the all star game. Chase leads all vote getters for every position, J-Roll leads all shortstops and Raul leads all outfielders. Lets keep it that way. Go over to mlb.com, but not before you've watched the above video for the tenth time.
PCP looks AWESOME. Not as awesome as the second half of the video of course.....
Oh, wait, there is a mild sports related matter: vote early and vote often for your favorite Phils for the all star game. Chase leads all vote getters for every position, J-Roll leads all shortstops and Raul leads all outfielders. Lets keep it that way. Go over to mlb.com, but not before you've watched the above video for the tenth time.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Ask & You Shall Receive

I've been asked to cover two topics: Eddie Jordan and Brett Myer's replacement. Seeing as I am not one to exceed expectations -- at least not voluntarily -- I will stick to my assignment and stay safely within the confined guidelines.

Certainly his record alone does not speak volumes for his qualifications. Impressive perhaps only to the likes of Bill Fitch and Isiah Thomas, Eddie Jordan has a career coaching record of, drummmms pleassssse: 230-258. His most successful season resulted in a 8 more wins than losses, not to distract us from the three seasons -- including his most recent performance when he won a single solitary game while losing nine-- where he won less than a whopping 32% of his games. Indeed, twice his team lost thirty more games than they won. I have more success with strippers for god's sake. He also seems completely boring. Well, as boring as a supremely sharp-dressed black man can be. Mr. Jordan also runs that perfect offense for our athletic, dim-witted young players... that's right, the Princeton offense. Sammy is a regular Steve Goodrich, his backdoor passes will vault us to the top!

On to the Brett Myers injury and the Phillies immediate recourse. Our beloved hometown team is motoring right along, simultaneously boasting the worst ERA in the league and a first place standing in our division. Go figure. But now we face what many might dismiss as a rather inconsequential loss, but really, although B. Myers may be about as consistent as a 75-year old man's stream of urine, on any given night he can shut down his opponent and give us a solid 7. His loss puts us in a predicament of considerable degree. Fortunately for us fans, the Phillies mean business and will, in all likelihood, find them someone worthy of our support. No chance we scoop another Paul Abbott, you heard it here first.
A few suggestions that Ruben Amaro might want to look into:
1) Ryan Rossitto. Word on the street is that he came through stunning at the GFS alumni baseball game. Throwing heaters, mixing in a proud incapacity at the plate and a bushy head of deceptively jewish curls. I figure the Phils can offer him slightly more than whatever crumbling financial institution he likely works for presently has on the table. Need I remind you that another Princeton grad, who happens to be 6'10'', has done quite well for himself in the major leagues. The symmetry is beautiful.
2) Cincinnati Mayor Mark Mallory:
Mayor Nutter wouldn't stand for that nonsense.
3) Your favorite voluptuous R&B singer and mine: Mariah Carey. The Japanese commentary, combined with the catcher's shit eating grin, make her an instant contender to throw every fifth day in my book.
4) And last but not least, Carl Lewis. My favorite video of Carl Lewis is undeniably this one. But dare I overlook his other gems. Shit, he runs faster than God. Speaking of which... for the love of friggin God I can't find the video of Carl Lewis throwing the ball 4 feet in Seattle, but I know it happened.
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